Central Authentication System

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Password change

Pamätám si heslo I Don’t Remember My Password Setting up the recovery email

!!! Správca žiadneho systému nemá právo poznať heslá používateľov a preto ani na vyžiadanie nikomu, teda ani žiadnemu správcovi neposkytujte informácie o svojich heslách !!!

Pamätám si heslo

Ak používateľ VIE svoje súčasné heslo, môže si sám nastaviť nové heslo (zmena hesla).

Heslo sa mení na stránke https://identity.tuke.sk/

Pre úspešnú zmenu hesla nepoužívajte mobilné zariadenia.

Portál je dostupný len z počítačovej siete TUKE a cez VPN.

Používateľ si pred prihlásením môže vybrať jazykovú verziu stránky.

Na každú zmenu hesla používateľom je vyžadované, aby používateľ poznal svoje súčasné heslo!

  • Do poľa „Používateľské meno“ zadajte svoj jedinečný TUKE login (bod 1.)
  • Do poľa „Heslo“ zadajte svoje aktuálne heslo (bod 2.)
  • Stlačením tlačidla „Prihlásiť“ vstúpite do portálu (bod 3.)
  • V prípade potreby je možné zmeniť jazykovú verziu stránky (bod 4.)

Pre zmenu prihlasovacích údajov zvoľte možnosť „Prihlasovacie údaje“.

Vo formulári vyplňte „Súčasné heslo“ a zadajte „Nové heslo“:

Setting up the recovery email

Must be done before resetting the password.

Log in to the portal https://identity.tuke.sk/ using the unique TUKE login and password. Then select the “Profile” option:

In the profile settings, add the parameter “Email 2 for password reset (1.)” e.g. private email address and select “Save (2.)”:

I Don’t Remember My Password

Procedure if the user's password is leaked

If the user discovers that their password has been disclosed, they are obliged to:

  1. change their password without delay, if it is still possible,
  2. immediately report this fact to the ICT Dispatching in person for identity verification,
  3. if the user cannot change their password because it was already changed by an attacker during a security incident, then the "Procedure when the user forgets the password" is applied.

Procedure when the user forgets the password

If the user has forgotten their password, they proceed according to the following steps:

Password reset process (the recovery email set already):

Go to the portal https://identity.tuke.sk/ and select the “Reset password” option:

Enter your unique login in the form:

Then enter the email to reset the password, see the previous step “Setting up the recovery email”:

An email with the link to reset your password will be delivered to your email address:

After clicking the link, you will be able to set a new password:

If the user did not have an email address set up for recovery and does not know their current password or it was stolen, they proceed according to the following steps:

Verification of the user's identity: The user must clearly prove their physical identity at the ICT Dispatching using a reliable document - a valid employee or student card.

Password change: An authorized employee will generate a new password for the user.

Password change without identity verification is prohibited, i.e. password change based on email or telephone communication is prohibited.

For security reasons, it is recommended that the user change this new password as soon as possible on https://identity.tuke.sk/. The reason is that only the user has the right to know the user password.

!!! No system administrator has the right to know the passwords of users, and therefore do not provide information about your passwords to anyone, not even to an administrator !!!